Download fs22 precision farming
Download fs22 precision farming

With faster computers, more affordable electronics, and better data analytic tools, it’s been taking a flight in the last few years. Since 1960 precision farming continued to grow in popularity. This method allowed farmers to have more control over their land and to make the most out of their resources.​ Grid planting is a planting pattern in which farms are divided into squares and plants are positioned in rows inside each square. Precision farming has been around since the 1960s when the United States’ Secretary of Agriculture, Earl Butz, introduced a system called grid planting. In this guide, we will be discussing what precision farming is, how it can help farmers to improve their crop growth, and why it may be the best option for farmers today.​ Precision farming focuses on the use of technology to apply resources exactly when and where they are needed. Have you ever heard of precision farming? It has been in practice for over 50 years and is now one of the most popular growing methods in agriculture.

download fs22 precision farming

Take a look at what precision farming can do for your farm. We are living in the era of smart farming.

download fs22 precision farming

Written by Thomas Houwers and Dana Gelerter​

Download fs22 precision farming